Green Frog’s Guide to Cleaning Safety

Here at Green Frog House Cleaning, we understand the importance of safe cleaning. More importantly, we prioritize it. From slippery wet floors to mixing hazardous chemicals, Green Frog is prepared and equipped to provide not only excellent house cleaning service but also a safe environment for you and your family.
Today, we wanted to share some ways you can stay safe while doing chores around your home.
Cleaning Safety 101
Safety while mopping: When mopping the floor, one thing you don’t want to do is soak the floor full of water. Not only is this bad for the floor, but it can also make the floor slippery. This can cause someone to slip and fall. It’s also a good idea to work in small sections to prevent someone (or even yourself) from having to walk over a wet floor and potentially get hurt.
Safety while mixing chemicals: Mixing chemicals can be dangerous. You always want to make sure that you read the label before mixing any chemicals. Or refer to an MSDS (material safety data sheet) beforehand. And as a general rule of thumb, more is not always best. Sometimes we think the more chemicals we add the better it will perform, but this is not the case. Using more than recommended can be hazardous.
Safety while using chemicals: If you’re using chemicals to clean your home that are not necessarily environmentally-friendly, consider using gloves or a mask. Chemicals such as degreaser, bleach, and ammonia can damage the skin. And even cause severe chemical burns or even respiratory infections. And it’s always a good idea to make sure the room you’re cleaning in is well ventilated.
Safety with cleaning products: With cleaning products like microfiber cloths, sponges, vacuums, and more you really want to make sure those items are getting cleaned too. Failing to clean these items can result in an unwanted growth of bacteria. Which in return can cause respiratory issues and allergies. So make sure you’re washing your cleaning rags, changing out your sponges, and cleaning out your vacuum on a regular basis.
Safety with children: This is important. A lot of the times children want to help us clean. And that’s ok. But we want to make sure they aren’t exposed to any harsh chemicals. Grab some kid-friendly cleaning products for them to use. And make sure they aren’t around if you’re using anything too hazardous.

Green Frog House Cleaning
It’s almost time for spring-cleaning! Hiring a professional house cleaner may just be the thing you need to get your spring-cleaning off on the right foot. Contact us today to schedule a free service estimate.