Tips From A San Diego Cleaning Service on Between Visit Tasks

on Sep 14, 2017

Whether you clean your home yourself or have it done by a San Diego home cleaning service there is no greater feeling then walking into a perfectly clean home. Some how though that magic can fade quickly. Especially in homes with families it can take less than 48 hours for all your hard work to return to a mess. The question is how can you keep your home looking as amazing as it did when you first used a San Diego cleaning service? Spending about 15 to 20 minutes a day doing simple rotational tasks can help you keep that freshly cleaned home feeling all week.

San Diego cleaning service
  • Don’t neglect dusting – Dust can accumulate rapidly especially if you live near a busy highway. Take about 3 minutes with a feather duster to do a quick dusting of surfaces. You may not get every spec of dust but it will help cut down on most of the dust that accumulates in the span of a normal week.
  • Give attention to the bathroom – A San Diego cleaning service will tell you it is not necessary to do a deep cleaning every time you clean the bathroom. Take just a couple minutes after your morning routine to wipe down the counter tops and rinse the sink. This will help get rid of any loose hairs, make up or other products that may have landed on the counter. Pick one thing to scrub. You can scrub the toilet with a toilet brush or use a sponge to scrub your sink. This will help prevent build up in those areas.
  • Laundry – We have all made it to the end of the week without doing a single load of laundry only to find an Everest sized mountain of dirty clothes waiting for us in the hamper. Try to do a load 1-2 times a week outside of your normal laundry day. You can try to pick things that are easy to fold like sheets and towels to help cut down on time. This will only add a little extra to your day but it will keep you from having to spend an entire day doing laundry at the end of the week.
  • Stay on top of the dishes – There are a select few people who actually enjoy doing dishes most of us do not fall into that category. Try to clean as you cook if possible to cut down on cleaning time after dinner. A good rule to live by is to make sure and do the dishes before you go to bed. This will make a big difference in your morning routine as you will not have to worry about looking for the Tupperware you use to pack your lunch or the coffee cup you forgot to clean the night before.
  • Wipe down the Kitchen – After you have finished washing the dishes run a damp cloth over your counter tops and table. This will keep food from getting stuck on your counters and will cut down on scrubbing time when you or a San Diego cleaning service go to deep clean your kitchen.
  • Vacuum – This is especially important if you have pets. It can take quite a bit of time to vacuum your whole home so try and pick one area a day to vacuum. If you spend just 5 minutes vacuuming each day you will notice a big difference in the overall appearance of your home. It will also help prevent pet hair or dust bunnies from accumulating.

We all lead busy and hectic lives so the last thing we want to do is spend our precious down time trying to clean up from the mayhem that accumulated over the coarse of a week. These simple steps will help keep your home clean even between visits from your cleaning service

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