4 Benefits of a Clean Home That Might Surprise You

Did you know that maintaining a clean home isn’t just aesthetically pleasing? There are also some pretty good health benefits that come along with it. This week, we’re discussing four benefits of a clean home, and some of them might come as a surprise.
Benefits of a Clean Home
1. It Can Improve Your Mental Health
Have you ever noticed that when you’re in a clean space that you just feel better? Studies show that one benefit of a clean home is that it can improve your overall mental health and help you gain control of your environment.
If you’re struggling to find the time to keep a clean home, and you notice it’s hindering your mental health, consider hiring a cleaning service to help you overcome this obstacle.
2. It Allows You to Breathe Better Air
It’s no secret that having a clean home means having less dust in the air. But it may come as a surprise that this also means breathing a better air quality and having less seasonal allergies. Which is another benefit of a clean home.
One way you can conquer this are by creating a weekly cleaning schedule and sticking too it. You can also consider adding houseplants to your house to help circulate proper airflow.
3. It Makes You More Productive
In 2011 Princeton University researchers conducted a study which that concluded messy spaces make it harder to focus. And that having a clean home makes people more productive and even inspires them.
Even if you can only commit to cleaning one room per day, make it a habit. Try starting in the areas of your home where you spend most of your time. Whether that’s the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom, or the bedroom.
4. It Can Help You Sleep Better
A study by The National Sleep Organization found that people who sleep on clean sheets in a clean room reported a 19% better night’s sleep than those who did not. How often do you wash your sheets?
It’s important to wash your sheets at least once a week to ensure good hygiene practices. And it’s also good to get into the habit of going to sleep in a clean room. Make sure there are no dirty dishes lying around and that everything is where it’s supposed to be.

Green Frog House Cleaning
Having trouble finding the time to clean your home? Green Frog is always here to help. By using our cleaning service you’ll have more time to do the things you love and spend less time cleaning the house. Contact us today by calling (619) 452-3012 or click here to request a quote.