Getting Rid Of Unwanted Odor In Your Home
on Jan 15, 2019
Sometimes it doesn’t matter how many times a day you mop and scrub your house clean. There are times when the strong odors of everyday living unbearable. Because let’s face it, as long as you’re living in your home, there will be smells that come and go. But with the right tips and tricks, you’ll be able to fight those smells and eliminate them for good.
Here’s how you can get rid of some of that unwanted odor in your home:

The sinks
Whether it’s the bathroom or the kitchen, the sinks in your home can be pretty dirty. These areas can hold onto some pretty strong odors that you may or may not know how to get rid of. If you notice a strong smell coming from one of the sinks in your home you can pour a cup of vinegar down the drain and then sprinkle in a teaspoon of baking soda. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes and then rinse with a pot of boiling hot water.

The refrigerator
With all of the food that goes into your fridge, the smell can sometimes become unbearable. To eliminate and prevent future odors in your refrigerator you’ll need to do a few things. First, make sure your food is wrapped and sealed tightly to prevent any leakage or exposure. The next thing you’ll want to do is to make sure you’re cleaning your fridge often and throwing out old food as needed. If you still notice a strong stench lingering inside, add an open box of baking soda to absorb the excess moisture and odor.

The carpets
Unlike wood floors, carpet has fibers that can lock in moisture, dust, dirt, and even pet hair. If you have carpet in your home and you think there might be some odor coming from it, sprinkle some baking soda on it, let it sit for 30 minutes, and then vacuum it. You also want to make sure that you are cleaning (shampooing) your carpet at least once a month. This is so the odor doesn’t get trapped beneath the carpet and spread throughout the house.

The toilets
The toilets are without a doubt the grossest place in your entire home. And because of that, they can come with some pretty horrible smells if you don’t clean them properly. You should always have a toilet bowl tablet in your toilet to help clean with every flush and you should scrub your toilet with a cleaner at least once a week. If you have a really bad smell coming from your toilet sprinkle some baking soda in the bowl when you go to clean it.

Green Frog House Cleaning
Another way to get rid of unwanted odor in your home is to hire a professional to help you with routine cleanings. Contact us today to schedule a free service estimate and see how one of our professional house cleaners can help you.