For each Classroom Module, watch the videos and follow instructions from your Classroom Conductor. Then take a brief quiz to test your Green Frog knowledge. It’s open book so you can look up the answers in your Technician Manual or on the Team page. You’ll find a link to the quiz on the team page as well
Time: This classroom session should take about…
Classroom Module 1: “Classroom Video” (about 40 minutes)
Watch: Classroom: Friendly Walkthrough, Book Next, and More
Watch: Safety Video and take safety quiz
Test Your Knowledge: Take the Green Frog Knowledge Quiz (about 20 minutes)
Classroom Module 2: Demonstrations and next steps by Classroom Conductor – (about 30 Minutes)
Demonstration: How to change a vacuum bag and basic maintenance.
Demonstration: Receive a basic cleaning kit and uniform (show and tell)
Ask: How are you feeling?
Ask: Do you have any questions? Or suggestions for improving classroom training?
Discuss: What to expect next.